Especially for those of us who find the key.” What is Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities ‘Dreams in the Witch House’ about? He believed it to be a haunted house of cosmic proportions, one in which danger lurks behind every door, revealing new realities, dreams, nightmares.

Lovecraft – the author of today’s tale – feared the universe. As ever, producer Guillermo Del Toro sets the story up with a Rod Serling-style speech to camera… Here Mika Watkins adapts the material, while Twilight helmer Catherine Hardwick directs. The short story was first published in Weird Tales in 1933, while it was previously shot by Stuart Gordon in the Masters of Horror anthology series.

This episode of horror anthology Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities gives former Harry Potter star Grint a juicy role, playing the grieving brother to a dead sister, whose efforts to bring her back have grim consequences.