Where We Live and Die by Brian Keene
Where We Live and Die by Brian Keene

Where We Live and Die by Brian Keene

The short story "Purple Reign" features purple rain that causes Ax Craziness in everyone who gets wet it affects animals as well as humans.Primordial entities from an earlier universe that God destroyed to create this one, they strive to destroy everything that God created. The overarching threat in almost all his work is a group of these called the Thirteen.Eldritch Abomination: In Ghost Walk an all-consuming darkness is released onto the Earth.Downer Ending: Pretty much all of his work.In the second book, with Schow dead, Ob takes his position as the true Big Bad once again. However, in the first book he is in a Big Bad Ensemble with Colonel Schow, the leader of an entire platoon of Sociopathic Soldiers. Big Bad: The Rising book series has Ob, the leader of a demonic group of sort-of zombies that possess dead bodies and turn them against humankind.In Dead Sea the human threat is mostly overshadowed by The Virus, but the one visit to the mainland results in a survivor killing two crew members, and before the boat sails most of Baltimore's survivors end up killing each other.Selected Scenes From the End of the World has living humans fill the role as antagonists throughout the book until the penultimate chapter, owing to the world being burned to a crisp. While City of the Dead puts the focus almost fully on the zombies, some humans again prove to be a Spanner in the Works. In The Rising, a drug gang and a cannibal duo nearly kill three of the protagonists before the real bastards pop up: the Pennsylvania National Guard, who are mostly a brigade of psychopathic rapists armed with tanks and heavy weaponry. In The Rising series, while the zombies may be the most serious threat to the world, the various humans are nothing to laugh at either.Works by Keene with their own pages include:

Where We Live and Die by Brian Keene

  • Selected Scenes From the End of the World.
  • His novels have won several accolades, including two Bram Stoker Awards. After serving in the Navy, he took on a wide variety of jobs, including (but not limited to) truck driver, data entry clerk, dockworker, telemarketer, repo man, bouncer, disc jockey, and salesman, which he credits with providing a wide array of characters and personalities as inspiration for his work.

    Where We Live and Die by Brian Keene

    Keene grew up in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. His works typically fall into the categories of Horror, Crime Fiction and Comic Books. Brian Keene (born September 22, 1967) is an American novelist, blogger, and host of the The Horror Show podcast.

    Where We Live and Die by Brian Keene