It will be discussed at the Crozet Library Monday Night Book Group on Monday, March 6, at 7 p.m. This book is the Jefferson Madison Regional Library (JMRL)’s Same Page Community Read selection for 2023. The result of this venture is the bestselling The Book of Delights (2019), a collection of 102 “essayettes” about the many things that delight him- including hummingbirds, paw paw groves, laundromats, roller skates, self-forgiveness, Botan rice candy, nicknames, sidewalk naps, and dreams-especially waking up from bad ones.

The rules he set were that he would write daily for one year about something that delighted him, he would begin and end on his birthday (August 1), the entries would be drafted quickly, and they would be written by hand. But poet Ross Gay came up with a new twist on this idea when he decided to keep a Delight Journal. You’ve probably heard of-or even kept-a Gratitude Journal.